
What is Safe Aware? Who are the amazing people running it? What’s up with that ‘eye’-catching logo? These questions may be circling through your mind in an endless cycle. Instead of pondering over them though, let me help you ‘break the cycle’.

Let me start off by saying that Nadia Rosadi and I, Rhea Makkuni, are the creators of this blog. Even though Nadia and I met a few years ago, we only came up with the idea for a ‘self-defense awareness’ blog recently. Collaborating with Nadia has been a blast because not only are we able to combine our interests and share our experiences, we are also able to connect and create something beautiful and glorious, yet simple.

Our Goals, Our Mission

You may be wondering what that weird-looking symbol in the corner is, and to answer that, it’s our logo: a shield in an eye. The shield represents staying safe and the eye being aware. Safe&Aware’s mission is to help people stay safe through being aware, and in order to accomplish it, we came up with three main principles:

  1. Recognize potentially dangerous situations
  2. Make good choices when defending yourself
  3. Take action to prevent a physical altercation

Our blog, Safe&Aware, was founded on these three principles because we envision a future where there are reduced rates of abduction, assault, etc. As we carve our better, brighter future together, you may realize that our goals have made you approach different situations feeling more calm, confident, and secure.

So, to get reading on our website, subscribe! On our “Home” page, make sure to enter your email so you can continue to receive updates, articles, and tips on staying safe and aware.

Also, don’t forget to like, share, subscribe, and/or comment, and remember to add #letsstaysafeandaware when sharing! For a second of your time, you are not only making two Chicagoans happy, but also, more importantly, spreading the word, raising awareness, and encouraging others to educate themselves.

Signing off,

Rhea Makkuni

Edited by Nadia Rosadi